by Sissy Duckworth, co-owner, Cabling Systems, Inc.

A common home security mistake: leaving your garage door open
During one of my recent daily exercise walks, I saw very few security signs on the homes I passed, but I did see several homes that were openly vulnerable to intruders.
One home’s garage door had been left approximately two feet open. A quick drop and roll and an intruder could have been inside! I then wondered if the door leading from the the garage into the home had been secured. If you are wondering if I tried to find out, the answer is no. Even if the door from the garage into the home had been locked, it would have been easy enough for any intruder to enter the garage and then force their way into the home without being observed by anyone else.
Further down the road I saw another house with a storage building. The doors of the storage building were open and not a person was in sight. I don’t know what valuables the owners might have kept inside the storage building, but they were certainly vulnerable to burglary and theft.
As I walked down another street, I was now looking into the backside of houses. I saw a real nice barbeque grill in a backyard with no fence. Unless you are going to bolt the grill down, I would store it inside my garage (after it cools down, of course) and keep the garage door closed.
These are just a few common homeowner safety mistakes that I noticed on my daily walk.
Are you unwittingly inviting thieves and burglars into your home by leaving garage doors or other entryways open, unsecured and unattended?
The first thing people say after they have been victimized is, “I never thought this would happen to me.”
Keep yourself and your loved ones safe by taking the few extra minutes to secure your home and belongings!
Sissy Duckworth is co-owner of Cabling Systems, Inc., a locally-owned home and business security company providing security cameras and security systems to clients throughout Warrenton, Fauquier County, Culpeper County, Rappahannock County, Prince William County and Northern Virginia.
Call Cabling Systems, Inc. today at (540) 439-0101 or email to schedule a free home security assessment or get a free quote for home security cameras and home security systems.